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Here's what some of our readers around the world have had to say about Palmtop Publications' PDA magazines...

"First, many thanks for your prompt response. Secondly, not only did the package arrive today, but upon opening it and breezing through its contents, I am absolutely delighted. For once, I've received much MORE than I anticipated, in terms of sheer quality. And you can quote me on that! I'm looking forward to a (mentally) yummy weekend. Kudos!"

Pam Gaines, Hartford , Connecticut, USA

"A fantastic magazine, well worth the money. In my experience it is very rare for a magazine to publish articles to suit everyone, but from what I have seen you have managed it very well"

Andrew Edwards, Meltham, West Yorkshire

"PalmUser is the best magazine I read."

Andrew Clarkson, Twickenham

" guys are really putting together something special. Regards and many thanks for living up to and exceeding expectations."

Simon Wolf, Shepton Mallet, Somerset

"My Palmtop subscription is the best investment I've made in years. Lots of useful information on just about anything that concerns my Series 5."

Arne Wad, Trondheim, NORWAY

"The magazine is excellent value for money, covering the subject clearly, objectively and in a well informed manner. Congratulations."

A A Gordon, Peebles

"A brilliant publication. Keep it up!"

Malcolm Cheyne, West Wickham, Kent

"The magazine is great - the best £24 per year I spend in terms of value for money."

Reverend K Whiteford, Killough, County Down

"A Psion is not complete these days without Palmtop."

Thomas Nocun, Wilstead, Bedfordshire

"It is a superb publication."

Robert MacKenzie, Dover, Kent

"It is very hard to fault this very useful and well presented periodical."

C McAndrew, Sutton, Surrey

"Astonishingly good!"

Francesco Botré, Rome, ITALY

"I find the magazines very good and constantly refer to back issues."

Joe Smith, Chorley, Lancashire

"I think it's a great mag. The quality seems to be improving all the time. Keep up the great work!"

Sheryl Coleman, Kansas, Missouri, USA

"Fantastic magazine"

Stala Gavrielides, East Finchley, London

"I was very surprised by the top quality of the first issue I received recently. Very well done, I will be recommending your magazine to my colleagues."

Brian Mosley, Sheffield

"Excellent! Well written, well presented and very good value for money. Look forward to receiving each issue."

Chris Luddy, Midleton, County Cork, IRELAND

"Palmtop has really matured into an excellent and most useful product - congratulations."

Tony Lough, Southport

"After being a Psion user for many years and seeing your publication advertised it was not until I purchased my Series 5 in September last year that I actually sat and read through the complimentary copy sent to me via Clove Technology. I still then wondered if the £24 a year would be good value or not - how stupid of me to wait until now before taking out a subscription. I now have 3 issues and the information they have given me is unbelievable. Palmtop is a very informative publication, I feel that my subscription is going to be well worth having and kick myself for not taking it out a few years ago."

Michael Kheng, Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire

"Many thanks for the latest issue of the magazine. A thoroughly good read again, I'm really impressed. For someone like me who is brand new to the Psion world it's proved an invaluable source of information collated all in one place. Mind you the whole day has been put back by 2 1/2 hours as I couldn't put the thing down once I'd started reading it. My wife was not impressed - we were supposed to be going shopping."

Gary Jenkinson, Luton, Bedfordshire

"An excellent publication, and you are managing to hold a good balance between all the different interests."

Ronald Cooper, York

"From my first copy I have been extremely impressed with the magazine: quality of layout and material, CD, size and frequency. I subscribe to various other computer magazines, but I rate Palmtop as the best."

Graham Weakley, Bath

"Issue 21 is brilliant. How are you going to match that in issue 22?"

Robert Killington, Maidenbower, West Sussex

"Simply brilliant. Keep it up!"

Roeland Krul, Utrecht, THE NETHERLANDS

"The best magazine money can buy."

Wok-Ho Cheung, Northolt, Middlesex

"Great magazine. Very informative. The most useful reference source on Psion compatibles."

Stala Gavrielides, Finchley, London

"Absolutely superb. I love it. As a new subscriber I was thrilled with the beautifully bound little book. Great size to carry with me for a quick read."

Francis Cooen, Huntingdale, Victoria, AUSTRALIA

"I received my issues 2 days ago. I'm happy, thanks - your magazine is very easy to understand and very interesting."

Sebastien Noel, Paris, FRANCE

"The quality & quantity of information, together with the quality of the printing, makes your magazine stand out against 'the others'. There's something in there for everyone."

Stuart Ballan, Mobile Software

"Thanks for providing such a good quality read that is packed full of exactly the kind of information I want to read. My wife is pleased too because now I don't spend pounds and pounds on the monthly PC magazines in the vain hope that they contain some small reference (amongst all the adverts) to my beloved Psion."

Glenn Davies, Southport

"May I congratulate you on your reports. I particularly like the way that you 'talk' at a general level and not 'over our heads' as though we were experts too."

Andrew Jackson, Watford

"An excellent publication full of interesting and useful information. I thoroughly enjoy reading every issue."

Mark Heron, Riga, LATVIA

"The steadily improving quality and content is praiseworthy. Keep up the good work."

Geoff Rawlinson, Temple Sowerby, Cumbria

"Thanks a lot for your wonderful magazine. I wish you a long, long life."

Marie-Thérèse Conan, Paris, FRANCE

"I find the magazine very interesting and easy to read. The comparative software reviews are great."

Ian Bonnet, Weybridge, Surrey

"Thanks for the latest edition of Palmtop magazine - splendid indeed."

Kim Nielsen, Copenhagen, DENMARK

"I have been a subscriber to your excellent magazine since issue 8. This is the highest quality of user-group magazine I have seen (and been a subscriber to) and I read every single word of it, most of the time waiting for the next issue to arrive."

Pall Gestsson, Reykjavik, ICELAND

"Thanks for the magazine. I got issue 10 on friday which I was very pleased about. The contents of the magazine are just right for me. I look forward to the next issue and I think you're doing a great job publishing Palmtop."

Kristian Nielsen, Copenhagen, DENMARK

"Thanks for not only continuing the excellent standard in Palmtop, but improving on it."

Jacques Bouchard, Chicoutimi, Québec, CANADA

"What can I say, Palmtop is brilliant! very well done. Thanks."

David Keppler, Colchester, Essex

"I'm delighted with my subscription."

Paul Davies, University of Ulster

"I took a chance last week, not having ever seen your magazine, in subscribing and ordering all the back-issues simultaneously. I wasn't disappointed. May I take this opportunity of congratulating you and your team on an excellent publication. The presentation of content is very good and makes for easy reading."

Andrew and Bryan Jackson, London

"Thanks for issue 10 - I'm glad I subscribed. Very enjoyable and very professional."

David Hawthorne, Hove, East Sussex

"Can I also say thanks for such a great magazine. Palmtop is going from strength to strength all the time."

Peter Spill, Burlingame, California, USA

"What simple pleasures there are in life. Such as coming downstairs this morning, finding Palmtop lying on the doormat and being able to delve into it over breakfast in peace and quiet - sheer bliss! I even abandoned any thought of my usual Saturday morning walk to the newsagent's to buy the Daily Telegraph - praise indeed. Keep up the good work"

Keith Mercer, Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire

"Great mag for beginner & experienced alike."

Awi Szotten, Malmö, SWEDEN

"Palmtop is just great, my friend has been forwarding me my copies from the UK and it makes a big difference, staying in touch like with Psion through the mag. Anyway I'm worried that my subscription may expire soon and I do not want to miss out on any mags. Can you let me know when I have to send you more money?"

Pietro Stellon, SINGAPORE

"This is, first, to say thank you for the prompt attention my subscription order received. (rang at lunchtime on Thursday and received the back issues first post on Friday!) Second, having had an overdose of Palmtop in the last two days, reading all eight issues, I have to congratulate you on a superb publication. The magazine has clearly evolved since the first issue from first class to superb. Well worth the £24 per year."

Robert Killington, Crawley, West Sussex

"It took me a long time to take the plunge and subscribe to your magazine. At the time, I took what I thought was a risk and purchased 6 back issues. Now I am kicking myself - I should have bought the whole lot."

Ian Hopkins, Clitheroe, Lancashire

"The magazine you so painstakingly produce is an amazingly good read, full of information, and useful to the 'nth' degree."

Robin Adshead, Newbury, Berkshire

"I reckon Palmtop is the proverbial Dog's B****cks, and long may it be so."

Dave Morgan, Weston-Super-Mare, Avon

"Nearly every purchase I have made for my 3a has been directly from a review featured in an issue of Palmtop. So I have got a lot to thank you for."

Tony Pulford, Wirral, Merseyside

"I would never bother to comment at such length to any of the other three PC magazines that I take, yet I am just as interested in the subject covered, which shows that not only have you discovered (adopted) a style that is friendly and has immediate appeal to your readership, but draws them in as if it were a one-on-one conversation. Thank you very much."

Mike Lambert, Reading, Berkshire

"Thanks for the speedy delivery of the Palmtop magazine. I am enjoying them immensely."

Jim States, Spokane, Washington, USA

"My Palmtop subscription has only just started, and the postman has struggled to the door with a bundle of back issues. I am bowled over by the look, quality and content of your publication, expecting something similar to the meagre Psion Bulletin, I am absolutely delighted. Your publication is surely one of the best-produced computer magazines in existence."

John Pritchard, Ealing, London

"Brilliant mag. Interesting, informative and accessible."

Jim Marshall, Thornford, Dorset

"Along with most of its readership I agree that Palmtop magazine is the best third party Psion magazine available."

John Holloway, Purple Software

"I have to congratulate you on a superb magazine, the quality & content far surpasses what I have seen from User Groups and Psion-based literature."

Lee Halls, Alvaston, Derby

"As for so many other readers I find Palmtop a very engrossing publication. Normally I'm a fairly slow reader but I find I consume Palmtop from cover to cover far too quickly. It's like the proverbial novel which, once started can't be put down till it's finished. keep up the good work."

W Redfern, Maidstone, Kent

"You are providing a service here that is invaluable to us in the Psion community. Keep up the good work."

Brian Higgs, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

"Thanks for the first class information, and the presentation. Of the various 'mags' that I receive - from Caravan club through to my IPD mag. Palmtop is the only one that a actually read from front to back in one go. Brilliant!"

Dave Bagshaw, Beeston, Nottingham

"I've just started subscribing to Palmtop, and all I can say is that I'm kicking myself for not having done so earlier. I'm a keen Series 5 owner, but have only find any PDA coverage in PC Pro to date. Finding a whole magazine devoted to the quirks and qualities of Psion's world is a godsend."

Mike Coleman, Smethwick, West Midlands

"Many thanks for sending me my first copy of Palmtop so quickly. I am impressed by the style and good design. So many computer magazines these days seem to be designed as if they were children's comics set up by teenage vandals."

Brian Ahier, London

"Palmtop is not cheap, but I am happy to say it is well worth it. Packed with lots of great articles and super reviews. I like particularly the low level of adverts (and the adverts that are present are useful). My thanks on a superb magazine, I look forward to future issues of Palmtop."

Paul Cracknell, Cambridge

"Again thank you for producing the authoritative magazine on Psion computers."

Doug Golding, Craven Arms

"I can't tell you how much I enjoy getting this magazine in the mail - it is a real treat."

Dave Gilbert, London

"The best magazine money can buy."

Kjartan Bjorndal Michalsen, Natland, NORWAY

"Firstly, thank you very much for the prompt response to my enquiry and despatch of the back issues. I spent a pleasant evening last night reading the first six issues, catching up on the evolution of the magazine. You will no doubt have received numerous comments of commendation but I would like to take this opportunity of adding mine. I am certainly pleased that I took the option of receiving the back issues."

Gary Swann, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire

"They arrived yesterday! That was blazingly FAST, and I spent half the night reading! Thank you very, very much!"

James Hebert, London

"The magazine looks even better with each issue. I like the enthusiasm and information, tempered with your knowledge of what is happening in other fields of computers and computing."

Gordon Still, Ruislip, Middlesex

"Thanks again for making such a great mag!"

Daniel Pfund, Onex, SWITZERLAND

"I am very much looking forward to getting my subscription initiated immediately as there has been a lot of wonderful chatter on the Psion forum about your magazine."

Linda Baron, Marietta, Georgia, USA

"I am most impressed with the depth of coverage, presentation and quality of the articles."

Roger Gore, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire

"I am very impressed with the content of the magazine. At last I can have an independent assessment of Psion and other related products. Keep up the good work!"

Stephen Ling, Liverpool

"Thanks for your very prompt response in sending the back issues - they were a delight and extremely helpful in getting up to speed on our favorite machine. I like the way you write and am very impressed with the speed in which you brought the magazine along. Congratulations!"

John Adrian, Seattle, Washington, USA

"The latest issue issue really is first class both in quality of content and quality of production. Congratulations on a job well done."

Richard Oldman, Wickford, Essex

"Thanks for an interesting magazine which maintains enthusiasm but is down to earth. I like the fact that it is continuously being improved (obviously by dint of a lot of hard work)."

Gordon Still, Ruislip, Middlesex

"Just came home to find my first copy of Palmtop. I'm impressed. I subscribed as a looksee, expecting it to be a 'worthy cause to support', but I was wrong - it's an excellent mag, well produced - thanks!"

Felix Grant, London

"Palmtop is definitely worth its price, and more!"

Fred Botton, Paris, FRANCE

"It's the only magazine that I read from cover to cover."

Peter Williams, Heaton Chapel, Stockport

"Excellent, well targetted, good value."

Stephen Nickless, London

"A very well presented and professionally produced magazine. The sort that people cannot resist picking up..."

Mr L Burn, Guildford, Surrey

"Great service - thanks!"

Sarah Chiodetto, Glasgow

"Nice one folks, keep up the excellent work!"

Steve Richardson, Portsmouth

"I thought all computer magazines were all the same....until now. Thoroughly researched articles, not afraid of asking the difficult questions about the state of hardware/software. Covers everything that could possiably be covered. The writers really know all the aches and pains of being an "end user". I have been proud to recommend Palmtop Magazine to all of my associates since I got my first sample copy a couple of months ago."

Alex Browning, Glenwood, New South Wales, AUSTRALIA

"I have recently become a subscriber of Palmtop magazine, a publication which has for me re-emphasised the importance of content over form. It is because the form is so good, therefore, that one is surprised that the content is even better."

Timothy Atherton, Birmingham

"I shall be sending my hard-earned pounds your way again and resubscribing. With such a strong suite of software included on most EPOC machines Palmtop is arguably the only really essential add-on required."

Jon Hancock, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire

"I just received my latest issue from "across the pond" and, as usual, the Steves and their staff have done an excellent job. In this age of instant news on the 'Net you would think a bi-monthly magazine would be woefully out-of-date, but not this one. Their articles are timely and even most of their news items are very fresh. They produce a (or rather 'the') high-quality magazine for the Psion community. If you own a Psion and are not reading Palmtop, you really are missing a large part of the whole experience."

Phil Bennett, Eutaw, Alabama, USA

"I love the magazine, it's wonderful. I will spread the word with my friends. I like the fact that it's small and fits in my purse. Very fine quality. Thanks again."

Sharon Payne, Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA

"I can't say enough good things about your magazine. IT IS THE BEST."

James Cooper, Oxnard, California, USA

"Brilliant. I've seen the magazine go from very good to simply superb. Very professional, extremely useful, and worth every penny."

Richard Davies, Sandy, Bedfordshire

"Just got my copy of PalmUser and tonight I'm going to have a cold beer and a good read! Keep up the good work. This magazine is a gem!!"

Peter Mörk, Sollentuna, SWEDEN

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