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If you manufacture or sell PDA-related products then you need to advertise in Palmtop User magazine. See below for details...

Advertise in the magazine

Have you always considered print-based advertising too expensive for your budget? Palmtop User magazine offers advertising space ranging from a 1/16th page boxout to multiple page spreads, all at very reasonable prices. Read by thousands of enthusiastic handheld owners in more than 100 countries around the globe, you won't find a more cost-effective forum to reach so many serious PDA users. For more details of how to advertise in Palmtop User magazine please contact the Editor at for a full advertiser's information pack.

Issue 10 cover

Have your flyers or literature included in our mass mailings

We now offer insertion of your literature into our mass mailings of Palmtop User magazine. We can do this on a global basis, or by specific countries or areas. For more information please contact the Editor at .

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