In-depth product reviews
- 11 personal finance packages on test - all the info you need to choose the right banking package for you
- Zip Manager - the new tool on the block
- Assistant - an interesting alternative desktop and more...
- DCP - more desktop and interface options
- NotePlan - Post-it notes for your Psion and PC
- MeetingManager - a new office tool
- POD car power supplies
- Revo case roundup
- Series 5/5mx docking station
- and more...
Feature articles
- In sickness and in health - keeping your Psion hardware and software in good working order
- Convert and communicate - the complete guide to converting file formats, with and without PsiWin
- Getting to grips with Macro5 - in easy steps
- Configuring Agenda - customise this powerful built-in application to suit your own preferences
- Working with Word - the final part in our major series on getting the most from your built-in word processor
- Getting along with Essential Disk Utilities
- Word Perfect - a guide to Psion-based dictionaries and thesauri
- Worth a read - our new feature on electronic books
Hot tips for hot games - inside info on Atelier's SimCity Classic
Plus the usual..
- All the latest Psion and EPOC-related news
- More Hints & Tips and an expanded Q&A
- Competitions - 8 great prizes to be won
- Shareware Shorts - the latest shareware
- On The Net - a roundup of Internet gossip
- Musings - more opinions...
- PLUS, our ever-evolving reference section